Work Tab – Provides a vastly more customizable work tab, both in number of “work” related activities and day parting.

Finally, there will never be an 'autolabour' mode where a mod sets priorities for you. The basic functionality is confirmed to work, but there may be more elusive bugs still to be caught. The most basic fabric in Rimworld, cloth is a very versatile and very useful material in the early-game and late-game.In the early-game, players will find themselves using cloth to make new clothing for their colonists. Quick overview of and introduction to the Fluffy Tabs, a complete rewrite of my Enhanced Tabs mod.

An introductory guide for anybody who just started using or wants to use the Empire Mod in the future. Changing the priority on a red-boxed skill like this from 0 (unassigned) to 1-4 should also be accompanied by a "crunching" sound. This is because there's a need for adjustments within their tasks. BETA release Hardcore SK Rimworld A16 project 5.1 (07.06.17) The idea to create this project, appeared after using other modpacks, in which I didn't like a game balance.