
Dream of a lion chasing me
Dream of a lion chasing me

If you have seen in your dream that you were feeling safe with a lion, it is a symbol of protection and care. The lion that protects you shows reflects your own inner strength and leadership. Dreaming … A lion entering a town in a dream means a plague that will strike such a town.

dream of a lion chasing me

If you have seen a lion in your dream, it means that you are full of negative emotions but you will be able to overcome them in the next period. I can’t openly talk about my trauma and I push the emotions away so I can just get through my education and eventually move someplace I can be myself and can be honest about what has happened.Seeing a pavilion in a dream also means conquering one’s enemy. In real life I try to ignore my pain, grief, anger, guilt, resentment, shame, and all that caused by various traumas throughout life mainly me being raped in my childhood. I wonder if this is because of something I am avoiding in waking life. It’s always exactly the same terrain, and usually it’s just me being chased by one presence that’s trying to catch me. Why do I dream this? It’s an imaginary terrain placed on a real location. I reach the balcony, probably a good 60-100 feet high, and am pushed off, falling to my death. Usually I run past that place though, and I run to this castle. There’s a meadow I have to run across and then I reach this little white house there on a hill once I climbed a telephone pole there and the guy ran passed (one of the few times I identified the pursuer, he was trying to kill me). I always run to the same place, it’s through the woods of my neighbor’s house, but the terrain is so much different. I don’t typically identify what’s chasing me, usually I just feel the presence and I know their intentions.

dream of a lion chasing me

The dream varies a bit, but typically I am in the woods to the right of our house being chased by someone or something.

dream of a lion chasing me

I always seem to remember these dreams more than any other dream. I’ve had these dreams for years on end now. Usually at least once a month, but probably twice-and those are just the ones I remember.

Dream of a lion chasing me